Earth Policy

We are conscious about the environment and its inhabitants, and we make every effort to ensure that we do not impact our planet in manufacturing our products. We strive to always be honest and transparent about our products and the ingredients we put into them. We only use ingredients that have been manufactured sustainably. Each ingredient is scrutinised to determine if the manufacturer has met with our standards. Our standards include the following:

  • has the ingredient been naturally derived?

  • has the raw materials used to create the ingredient been sustainably sourced, i.e. the environment has not been damaged or destroyed in harvesting or extracting the raw material?

  • has the ingredient been tested on animals?

  • has the raw materials been sourced using fair trade policies?

  • is the packaging recyclable?

If any of these criteria have not been met, we do not support the manufacturer or supplier and reject their offer to do business with us.